Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"bees! bees! bees!"

We have been teaching Parker sign language along with teaching him words. We do it in hopes of him communicating a little better as he learns how to talk. At this point, he has learned to sign 'more' 'please' ' eat' and 'thank you.' His verbals to those are "mo" "bees" "ea" and "tay." He is so adorable and has them figured out so well! He knows so many words now and is learning them on a daily basis. Some of the more interesting translations are "zzzzhhoe" for shoe, "dow" for window, "wa" for walk, "bay" for belly, and "ya you" for love you!! What a sponge he has become in the last couple months! Ask Grandma Sharon, if you hang out with Parker long enough he just might teach YOU something :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Piano Man

Parker was making his own music today. He had it figured out, even looking at mama for reassurance of a job well done! If you noticed he had a few position changes to get comfortable. Then he had to taste it and then fix it. We may just have our own Piano Man on our hands... or taste tester... or mechanic.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Everything is irie!

It's been awhile since I posted last, but we were planning and getting ready for our trip to Jamaica! Parker, unfortunately, did not go on this trip. He stayed with Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Bob for that week! While Mama and Daddy were enjoying a much needed vacation, Parker was ruling the roost and telling the grandparents what to do. Grandma had a lot of preparing to do; safety locks on the cupboards, gates around the TV, safety handle on the door knob to the stairs, put up the plants, closed all the doors, etc. The report I got, once we got back to the States, was great! Parker slept, ate, played, and behaved well. I couldn't ask more of a 15 month old than that! Parker gave Grandma and Grandpa lots of memories to keep. We made a few of our own in Jamaica; snorkeling, tubing, a boat party, zip line, and climbing a waterfall. All in all, I would say vacation #1 away from Parker was a success! However, he was missed in an indescribable way and may have involved shedding a few tears ;)