Parker is now a year and a half old! How times flies! He is a well rounded 27lbs and 31.75" tall. His vocabulary blossoms more and more everyday as well as his personality. The nurse that administered his last shots, until Kindergarten, even read him a book to ease his tears! That was a first. At this point Parker loves his "bee bee" (blanket) and any book! I can start to recite one of two favorites and he can dig the correct one out of a pile of books. He knows where is eyes, nose, ears, mouth, head, toes, and elbow are located! He is also on fire with his animal sounds; dog, cat, cow, monkey, elephant, and sheep. I cannot even imagine the growth that will take place in the next 6 months. I suppose we are headed towards the terrible twos!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Spring is Here!
We took Parker to the Brandon Loyalty Day parade yesterday. We walked from our house down to the parade route and he loved it! He was so intrigued by all the noise and action and eventually start waving back and saying hi to the people walking the route. He sat quiet most of the time just watching every detail of the parade. We went last year, but I could tell he was way more interested this time around. It's also has me in gear for summer!
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