Parker is now a year and a half old! How times flies! He is a well rounded 27lbs and 31.75" tall. His vocabulary blossoms more and more everyday as well as his personality. The nurse that administered his last shots, until Kindergarten, even read him a book to ease his tears! That was a first. At this point Parker loves his "bee bee" (blanket) and any book! I can start to recite one of two favorites and he can dig the correct one out of a pile of books. He knows where is eyes, nose, ears, mouth, head, toes, and elbow are located! He is also on fire with his animal sounds; dog, cat, cow, monkey, elephant, and sheep. I cannot even imagine the growth that will take place in the next 6 months. I suppose we are headed towards the terrible twos!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Spring is Here!
We took Parker to the Brandon Loyalty Day parade yesterday. We walked from our house down to the parade route and he loved it! He was so intrigued by all the noise and action and eventually start waving back and saying hi to the people walking the route. He sat quiet most of the time just watching every detail of the parade. We went last year, but I could tell he was way more interested this time around. It's also has me in gear for summer!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
I'm huntin wabbits!
Parker went to his first Easter egg hunt this morning! He came home with lots of candy and a few other odds and ends. He was in the 2 and under group, but those other parents sure were aggressive! I think the whole thing lasted about 3 minutes. The eggs had prizes and all the candy was tossed into the field. He is not quite old enough to really enjoy the candy, but I sneaked him a lick or two of a sucker. Oh, he had no desire to have his picture taken with the Easter Bunny... you could imagine :) However, he did discover a love for squeezing and throwing sand and dirt; a true boy if you ask me.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
"bees! bees! bees!"
We have been teaching Parker sign language along with teaching him words. We do it in hopes of him communicating a little better as he learns how to talk. At this point, he has learned to sign 'more' 'please' ' eat' and 'thank you.' His verbals to those are "mo" "bees" "ea" and "tay." He is so adorable and has them figured out so well! He knows so many words now and is learning them on a daily basis. Some of the more interesting translations are "zzzzhhoe" for shoe, "dow" for window, "wa" for walk, "bay" for belly, and "ya you" for love you!! What a sponge he has become in the last couple months! Ask Grandma Sharon, if you hang out with Parker long enough he just might teach YOU something :)
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Piano Man
Parker was making his own music today. He had it figured out, even looking at mama for reassurance of a job well done! If you noticed he had a few position changes to get comfortable. Then he had to taste it and then fix it. We may just have our own Piano Man on our hands... or taste tester... or mechanic.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Everything is irie!
It's been awhile since I posted last, but we were planning and getting ready for our trip to Jamaica! Parker, unfortunately, did not go on this trip. He stayed with Grandma Sharon and Grandpa Bob for that week! While Mama and Daddy were enjoying a much needed vacation, Parker was ruling the roost and telling the grandparents what to do. Grandma had a lot of preparing to do; safety locks on the cupboards, gates around the TV, safety handle on the door knob to the stairs, put up the plants, closed all the doors, etc. The report I got, once we got back to the States, was great! Parker slept, ate, played, and behaved well. I couldn't ask more of a 15 month old than that! Parker gave Grandma and Grandpa lots of memories to keep. We made a few of our own in Jamaica; snorkeling, tubing, a boat party, zip line, and climbing a waterfall. All in all, I would say vacation #1 away from Parker was a success! However, he was missed in an indescribable way and may have involved shedding a few tears ;)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A Little Recon in the Rear-D
General Parker (since he rules the roost) recently got his first buzz cut! A big shout to out to retired vet and Parker's Uncle Jeff who gave his full approval! I am sure Grandpa Woody (also a retired vet) would approve of the job Parker's Daddy did as well (grab your tissue Grandma Annie).
After deciding we didn't want to pay for a haircut every two months, we bought a pair of clippers! We set Parker in his high chair shirtless and with a towel. We weren't sure what to expect, but he giggled through the entire event! Daddy was pretty proud of his work too ;)
Now, he looks like a big boy. I mean a really big boy. I teared up a bit because I knew I would be losing that baby face he had, BUT he is a growing boy! I held his hair in my hands and thought what a strange color it was when not on his head. He rubs his hands against his head once in awhile. Though, we aren't really sure what he thinks or how he feels about it - I am sure he could care less at this point. It will grow back, right?!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Parker the Builder
Parker has been mastering several things lately. He has always stacked a couple blocks and then knocked them over just as fast, but this week he is really showing concentration and the ability to understand stacking blocks. He stacks 5-8 blocks with one hand while the other hand carefully watches over the stack! It's so adorable, but seems like such a great feat!
He has also learned how to go DOWN steps! I thank his daycare provider, Monica for that. We don't go downstairs too often at home, but at daycare it's a daily event. She showed him how to scoot on his belly and slide down while watching behind for the next step. The next day she reminded him he has to turn around before heading towards the stairs. Sure enough, he has mastered it by the weekend. He is a pro!
Parker is coming up on 15 months this week (along with a well-baby check up including a shot). He is a wild, fun toddler who knows no limits. One amazing little boy!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Dare Devil
"Mom, I don't know what you saw. I noticed you had the chair pulled out so I was trying to help you and put it away. Really, I wasn't doing anything!"
Parker is FINALLY feeling better! We only have a few nebulizer treatments and a cough left then we should be back to normal! He is definitely testing his limits with us as he finesses his climbing skills. Everything is game! He climbs on the chairs, sofa, and activity table (which we have removed the legs from now). There isn't much he won't climb. In other words, he can't be left alone for a second!
Parker is FINALLY feeling better! We only have a few nebulizer treatments and a cough left then we should be back to normal! He is definitely testing his limits with us as he finesses his climbing skills. Everything is game! He climbs on the chairs, sofa, and activity table (which we have removed the legs from now). There isn't much he won't climb. In other words, he can't be left alone for a second!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Sicky Picky Parker
Parker has been Mr. Crabby Pants this week, BUT with reason. We found out he has RSV, Bronchitis, and Croup all at the same time. He was given an antibiotic, steroid, and nebulizer treatments. Poor guy. Poor Mommy and Daddy. He usually does really well taking medicine, but not this week. It's a bigger fight for the neb treatments though. We smells delightful at night too! I cover him in Baby Vicks and plug in the humidifier for Captain Wheeze. We go in for a recheck tomorrow so we are hoping he is getting better. We miss the happy lil Parker!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
One Nice Day
The temps finally agreed with us for a change and I was able to take Parker out in the snow! It wasn't his first snow, but the first one he was big enough to play. We started in the backyard where it was knee deep (hip deep for him). He didn't get to move much, but loved watching Milo run and trip and roll around. The front yard was a lot easier for him to decide what to do. The sidewalks were clear for him to roam as he walked the canal of snow. He was able to dive in himself and take a couple 'clean' bites! It was such a gorgeous day for a change and he loved his 'first taste!'
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
La La La
Parker is becoming such a character. He always has something to 'say.' He is usually talking, making strange noises, singing, dancing, or reading. There is never a dull moment with this boy. He just got his 11th tooth this last week, has been sleeping restlessly, and has this 'tantrum' thing down pat. If anyone walks away, shuts a door behind them, goes downstairs, takes a toy, sippy, phone, shoe, ANYTHING... we throw a fit. It's great. Enjoy the jabbering...
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