Such a sweet and innocent child he is. Or does he have a motive? I put Parker in his crib the other night so that I could clean his room while I ran the bath water and not have to worry about him getting into dirty diapers or jumping in the tub. I finished his room, turned off the water and returned to the crib to undress him and get him ready for the bath. I took his clothes off and diaper. Now, I don't know if it was the cold air or what!? He then proceeded to pee all over his bed. I tried by best to catch it in the diaper, but have very little luck. To make it even better... he giggled the whole time. Innocent? Maybe... maybe not. We shall see when he turns 18. Or 16. Hmmm, he is Preston's... we shall see when he turns 2.
We also received his professional 12 month photos today. He also let his 'mark' there too. During his birthday 'suit' session he got a cupcake to smash to pieces. When he was done with it he then peed all over the leftovers. It was priceless.
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