Last night was a momentous occasion in our house. Parker for the first time in his 10.5 months of life slept 11 hours straight. Too bad I didn’t take advantage of it since I didn’t go to bed until midnight, but I will take what I can get! After fighting an ear infection for 2 weeks and sleeping worse than a newborn for a week, he rewarded us. I can’t help, but think that the shot he received Tuesday for those stubborn ears had something to do with it. He has been so happy in the evenings since and last night ate like a champ. Parker probably ate twice what he normally eats and magically left none to be found in his baby crevices or the high chair. I am in awe. It’s strange to think I have had a baby that wakes up 1-3 times a night since he was 3 months old. I only say that because he spoiled us in the beginning by sleeping through the night by 8 weeks. I thought, “Wow, we are lucky to have a sleeper.” That ended a little too soon with his first cold, which also set the tone for the following 7 months. I guess the real test will be tonight. Can he do it again? I am not getting my hopes up because he IS still a baby.
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